Best Mineral Sunscreens | Better than Chemical Sunscreens

Best Mineral Sunscreen and Why they are Better than Chemical Suncreen
You can have all the fun in the sun with these mineral sunscreens. Well, and a Sun Hat too. These are the best mineral sunscreens in my opinion when it comes to coverage, feel and budget.

Why mineral sunscreens are better than chemical sunscreens. 

Mineral sunscreens contain ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. They block and reflect UV rays, so that they do not enter the skin. Mineral sunscreens are generally well-tolerated by sensitive skin because their ingredients aren’t absorbed into the skin itself. Instead, the physical filters in mineral sunscreens sit on the surface of the skin and act as a screen that deflects UV radiation. This makes mineral sunscreen my choice of sun protection.

Chemical sunscreens on the other hand are formulated with chemicals that absorb the sun’s UV rays, so that they do not cause any damage to your skin. These can be irritating to the skin, and some of the chemicals can also enter the bloodstream.  

Broad spectrum mineral sunscreens protect you from both UVA & UVB rays.  

While UVB rays are the ones mostly responsible for sunburn, and the cause of the majority of skin cancers, UVA rays are the main cause of premature skin aging. While clouds reduce UV rays a little, they don't block them. To keep your skin protected, put on your sunscreen whenever you go outside, and perhaps even when you are indoors, especially if you, for example, work near a window. More than 50% of UVA rays penetrate glass.

How to Apply High Zinc Oxide Mineral Sunscreens.

Depending on your skin and the amount of zinc oxide, a mineral sunscreen might be too white for your skin. The solution is easy. Simply mix a white mineral sunscreen with a tinted mineral sunscreen. You can mix it right on your finger tips or I apply the white sunscreen first and then apply some tinted sunscreen on top. I get great results with any of the mineral sunscreens featured in the picture, applying the tinted American Gold over them. If your skin is on the darker side, you might only apply a tinted mineral sunscreen. And in either case start with a light moisturizer!