DIY Starfish Applique Canvas Tote Beach Bag Ideas

DIY Applique Starfish Canvas Tote Beach Bag Idea
Give a canvas bag a dimensional design with a starfish applique.

Appliqué is the technique of applying a fabric cutout onto a larger piece of fabric, such as a tote bag as featured here. There are different methods for applying the shapes, in this case the starfish, such as stitching, or even using fusible webbing to adhere the starfish before sewing. Appliqué can be done in various styles, including raw edge, where the edges of the fabric are left unfinished for a more casual look which works well for a canvas tote beach bag. The edges of the starfish can also be folded under for a neater finish. So here are a few ideas for DIY starfish appliques, as well as canvas tote bags to shop that have starfish appliques on them.

This starfish applique was done with fusible web. Trace the starfish pattern onto a piece of paper-backed fusible web. Fuse to the wrong side of the starfish fabric following the manufacturer’s instructions. Cut out the starfish along the lines. You can embellish the starfish with beads if you wish. Then fuse the starfish to your bag, as well as hand-stitch it down as it will not completely stick to the straw back.

Starfish Applique Tote Bag