And if you are a woman of my kind, you love the coastal lifestyle. So why not bring a little slice of beach to your wardrobe with a graphic beach word sweater! Here is a selection of sweaters and sweatshirts featuring the word Beach and some variation of that to remind you of sea, sand, sun and ocean breezes, no matter the season.

The graphic beach sweater Tanya is wearing over her shoulders is from Social Treads, but no longer available. Cozy beach sweaters like these pair beautifully with blue jeans. Another look I like is layering Sweaters, be it a beach sweater or a Fisherman Sweater, over a summer dress or summer skirt. And throw a loose jacket over your sweater if need be which is a chic and stylish look as well.

Whether you’re a beach lover at heart or simply looking for a cozy addition to your wardrobe, these sweaters are the perfect way to express your love for sun-soaked shores and the coastal lifestyle.
