Lightweight White Cotton and Linen Cover Up Dresses | Beach Wear

Light White Linen Dresses Beach Resort Cover Ups Gauze
Timeless white cover ups and flowy beach dresses in cotton and linen.
Lightweight linen-gauze cover-up dresses.

Lightweight Gauze Style Beach Cover Ups
Gauze style cover ups made from cotton & rayon.

White Cotton Boy Shirt Semi Sheer Beach Cover up
Flowing cotton boy shirts & dresses.

Flowy White Cotton Cover Up Dress Crochet Details
Cotton cover up dresses with crochet details.  

These lightweight cotton and linen beach cover up dresses and shirts will have you covered not just on the beach, but also should you decide to hit a bar after enjoying sun, sea and sand. If they are too sheer for your comfort to take to town, wear some short leggings or shorts underneath. And the boy shirt style cotton cover up, of course, looks great with any pair of jeans.